Saturday, June 23, 2012

My New Years Resolution.....

I know we are almost 7 months into the year but better late then never!!! Right? I am going to try and faithfully blog everyday or almost every day. Pinky swear!!!! I wish I would of continued to blog through all the changes in my life the past 2 1/2 years. I have been journaling my thoughts the past 2 1/2 years so maybe I will transfer pages of it to my blog one day. At least the ones I feel comfortable sharing. I added the blogger app to my phone to blog on the go. I have no excuses!!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Back to my Blog............

It has been two months shy of 3 years since my last blog. A whole lot has happend since my last blog entry. I contemplated deleting my previous entries but then decided this blog carries wonderful memories of a life I once had, and will continue glorious memories present and future. I will fill in gaps of the past three years as I feel comfortable to share with others on my terms. I think my expieriences can help others that have been in my shoes or simular.

The last 3 years I have been through a divorce and have suffered from depression and anxiety. I have suffered from anxiety since a young age but the depression part was fairly new. I have pushed through all of it and have come out on top! I am focusing on me and it feels WONDERFUL! My baby boys are now ages 20 and 16 and my nephew is 2 1/2. See a lot of gaps I need to fill in I have a nephew:-)